Super Rubber Mulch deals with many direct manufactures of Rubber Mulch from Recycled Tires in United States. All the brands we carry are IPEMA Certified and meet all ASTM Standards for Playground Surfacing.
1. How can I calculate the quantity of Rubber Mulchrequired for my playground?
You can go to this link or just click on "Calculator" menu option on this website and type length, width in feet and depth in inches. This will calculate the required quantity in cubic yards based on your input as well as in Lbs. and tons.
2. How much Rubber Mulch required for giving adequate and recommended cushion?
There are two kinds of playgrounds Residential and Commercial. Both have different guidelines. Normally recommended depth of Rubber Mulch in State of Texasis between 3-9 inches depending on fall height. For more detailed and specific information please read CPSC Guidelines by following this link
3. How long does Rubber Mulch last?
Most of the manufacturers are giving between 8-12 years life span for Rubber Mulch from Recycled Tires. But, you might have to add up a little every so often for the material that was lost due to playing; we are saying this based on our experience.
4. Why do you need playground surfacing cushion under and around playgrounds?
The surfacing under and around playground equipment is one of the most important factors in reducing the likelihood of life-threatening head injuries. A fall onto a shock absorbing surface is less likely to cause a serious head injury than a fall onto a hard surface. However, some injuries from falls, including broken limbs, may occur no matter what playground surfacing material is used. The most widely used test method for evaluating the shock absorbing properties of a playground surfacing material is to drop an instrumented metal head form onto a sample of the material and record the acceleration/time pulse during the impact. Field and laboratory test methods are described in ASTM F1292 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment.
For more detailed and specific information please read CPSC Guidelines by following this link
5. What is ASTM F1292?
Please refer to question number 4 for your answer.
6. What is ASTM F2075?
ASTM F2075, this specification establishes minimum requirements for the factors that determine particle size, consistency, purity, ability to drain, and heavy metal concentrations considered hazardous to children. For more detailed and specific information please read CPSC Guidelines by following this link
7. What is ASTM F1951?
ASTM F1951, this specification establishes minimum characteristics for those factors that determine accessibility. Under "The Americans with Disability Act". For more information about this act please follow this link
8. What are different kinds of playground surfacing?
a. There are two major types of playground surfacing 1) Unitary Playground Surfacing and 2) Loose Fill Playground Surfacing.
i. Unitary Playground Surfacing: - Unitary materials are generally Rubber Mats, Tiles, and Poured in place rubber. Although, Artificial or Synthetic Turf is not listed in CPSC guideline booklet, it is also another kind of Unitary Playground Surfacing.
ii. Loose Fill Playground Surfacing: - Engineered Wood Fiber (EWF) which is very similar to regular landscaping mulch but EWF is specially designed for playground safety surfacing. Pea Gravel, Sand, Shredded and recycled Rubber Mulch are loose fill playground surfacing available in the market.
iii. Asphalt, Concrete, Dirt, Grass, Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) treated wood products are inappropriate materials for playground surfacing and not allowed as per CPSC Guidelines.
9. What are other safety instructions?
a. Fireworks, Sparklers, and other flammable items such as any petroleum products can cause fire. Hence these items should not be used on or near playground surface.
b. Spills of foreign substances like food, drinks should be avoided as it can cause fire ants which can be dangerous for the children playing on the playground.
c. Motorized vehicles of any kind should not be permitted on playgrounds.
10. What kind of packing available for this product? |